Saturday, June 25, 2016

72 --> Preaching in a Post-Oil World

The late occasions in Kazakhstan are a reminder for lovers all over the place. I live in the US, which has a past filled with religious resistance and admiration for human rights, however as of late, since 9/11/01 to be particular, there has been a deliberate endeavor by this government to disassemble essential social liberties even here. When you analyze the substance of the Patriot Acts, the Military Commissions Act and a few other comparable laws that have been passed since 9/11/01, it gets to be obvious that the complete lawful structure now exists to bolster a condition of military law.

The watchfulness to announce military law rests totally in the hands of one man, the president. The Supreme Court or Congress can't mediate or audit the circumstance for no less than 6 months. Obviously, the social liberties we now underestimate including free discourse, religious flexibility, and all the rest couldn't be ensured amid such a circumstance. At the point when the president announces military law, for example, in case of a "terrorist" assault, a characteristic fiasco.

Indeed, even agitation as government challenges or common insubordination, FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) would have the power to enlist ranches, organizations and all nearby and state government offices and work force. It is fascinating to note that 9/11/01 is the primary day of a long and troublesome Rahu dasa in the new United States jyotish graph. Rahu is conjunct Mars in the twelfth house. July 7, 1920, 16:39 Philadelphia PA.

Indeed, even without a military or common fiasco, monetary emergency and a conceivable breakdown as a consequence of oil deficiencies is close nearby. Top oil, the state when oil extraction achieves it's pinnacle, happened in the US in the mid 70's. Worldwide top oil, by most master records, is liable to happen close by 2010. This implies before this present decade's over we will start to see decreases in oil generation even in the Middle East and the world's other real makers.

The outcome will be sharp increments in fuel costs and also cost increments in practically every classification. When you nearly inspect the economy, you find that essentially every great and administration we devour is by one means or another straightforwardly or in a roundabout way reliant on oil either for creation or dispersion. As the level of oil extraction tails off to start the down incline, we will start seeing the breakdown of all oil subordinate economies and expanded clashes over the remaining oil saves in Venezuela, North Africa, the Middle East, Mexico, Russia and so forth.

Actually, in the vast majority of the world the US attack of Afghanistan and Iraq is seen as just a force snatch for a portion of the biggest oil fields on the planet. In the US we're advised these wars are to battle "terrorism". Regardless, the huge measure of vitality being consumed in these wars will just worsen the issue.

In the time we have left before the emergency state, it is critical that lovers independently and by and large arrangement and act to accomplish a high level of independence. On the off chance that the proclaiming of Krsna cognizance is to proceed with post-breakdown, fans should be in a position of quality and relative solace. This implies we ought to arrange and introducing renewable vitality frameworks, developing sustenance, having the way to get consumable water when the network goes down, and many other essential contemplations.

Clearly, the country properties will be the best asylums and this is precisely the reason Srila Prabhupada asked us to buy and create them. The provincial ashrams give the best chances to develop sustenance, create manageable vitality frameworks, eg, sunlight based, wind, biomass, and so forth, furthermore permit enthusiasts a place of refuge from the specific disorder and likely viciousness in the urban communities.

In any case, as the occasions in Kazakhstan outline, it benefits us to deliberately consider precisely which territories will be the best survival stations. In one sense, each Vaisnava outside of India could be seen suspiciously and in this manner a conceivable risk. Ranges prevailed by religious radicals will in all likelihood be a portion of the most noticeably awful places for fans to look for asylum. What's more, regions that have a past filled with racial or ethnic pressures could be dangerous too. Enthusiasts in some country areas have developed great associations with the nearby individuals and powers and in my perspective, this can be essential in an emergency circumstance.

In the event that local people are as of now antagonistic to the enthusiast group, it is likely that a period of shortage and strain will just compound the threatening vibe. In this manner, great group connections ought to likewise be a high need on the rundown of important arrangements for the coming emergencies.

I trust that it's critical to truly start the arrangements expected to survive and spread Krsna awareness in the post-oil world

History Channel Documentary 2016

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