Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Otherworldly Quantum Information is Divine

Discovery Channel

Otherworldly Quantum Information is Divine

I get a considerable measure of email asking me for what reason I call my site "Quantum - Physics - Spirituality?"

Why not simply "Quantum Physics". The reason is on the grounds that there is a gigantic contrast between Quantum Physics and "Otherworldly" Quantum Physics.

The greatest contrast is that Quantum Physics forgets the Creator God. It bases every one of it's speculations, studies, works and tests on the "Enormous detonation". The Godless hypothesis of Chaos including no godliness or arrangement what so ever.

In any case, there is a Creative Guiding Force in our Universe and in our lives.

You can allude to it as the Creator God, the Grand Architect of the Universe, the First Cause, Prime Mover, God or what have you. Regardless of what number of Ph D's the Quantum Physics researchers have, they can't clarify where the force originates from that gives them the ability to deny the Creator God. The force by which they are cognizant.

I recall once having a level headed discussion with one of the understand defenders of the Big Bang hypothesis. I will withhold his name, however you would know who he is whether I said him. At one time he even facilitated NOVA.

His hypothesis started with, "Some time ago all the vitality of the Universe existed in an expansive ball."

At the finish of his discussion I strolled up to him and asked him "Would you be able to let me know, who put all that vitality into this enormous ball in any case."

He took a gander at me in loathing, shook his head, and left. He helped me to remember an ostrich who had quite recently covered his head in the sand.

Just as of late, the most recent hundred years or somewhere in the vicinity, has America turned away from it's otherworldly legacy and grasped "realism" and the new innovation as their "new" divine beings.

On the off chance that we about-face to our establishing fathers, we can perceive how firmly profound they were.

I am not saying religious, I am stating "profound." They all trusted in a Creator God, a Grand Architect of the Universe.

Our cash says, "In God we Trust." Not a Christian God or a Jewish God or a Muslim God. Yet, in "God" the Creator. This God seemed all over the place. Not just in the places of worship of their conviction or groups yet on the dividers of our political structures, our legal structures and our places of learning.

What was the deal? Life turned out to be too simple for us. We were mesmerized far from our otherworldly roots by the pooch and horse show of cash, and innovation.

Rather than a basic chicken in each pot, the present day American injury up with a noteworthy instance of the "Longing Nature." Which included TV's, Computers, Cell Phones, Houses much greater and more fantastic that their needs, alongside inflatable home loans to coordinate. Charge cards that appeared to never run out until....

Innovation all by itself is not malevolent. It is just abhorrent when it redirects humankind from his actual fate and reason in life. What's more, that fate and reason for existing is to raise his level of Consciousness, to raise his level of being, to wind up more otherworldly. To in the end comprehend that each of us is a divine being in our own particular right. What's more, that sometime we will have the capacity to do with our psyches, the things that innovation accomplishes for us today.

Our Computers show us just the capability of what our "brains" are able to do. Our PDAs are just a gleam of the genuine psychic association we could have with each other. Our TVs would be predominated by our capacity to participate in remote review. All tis is conceivable when and in the event that we discard the bolster of innovation and "trusted" we were able to do such things.

Man is a Divine Blueprint inside the psyche of a God.

Profound Quantum Physics is a blessing to us from the Creator God. It is another worldview to advise us that we were made in the picture of a plan inside the Mind of God.

It additionally lets us know that we are co-makers. Give us a chance to utilize this new blessing to reproduce our existence with our most profound sense of being.

Quantum Physics is physical, Spiritual Quantum Physics is Divine.

Ragnar Storyteller (AKA Ellis Peterson is a Korean War Vet living with his better half Lory and canine Dixie in the boonies of the Pocono Mountains. He is a resigned math teacher and hardware engineer. He has composed more than 200 articles and booklets on runes, radionics, quantum material science, viking history, orgone generators and exchange mending strategies. Ragnar is 70+ yet looks 50's gratitude to his developments. You can see a greater amount of his deals with his site: Ragnar Storyteller's un-politcally revise compositions on quantum material science and other stuff. click:

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