Wednesday, June 22, 2016

The extractive oil character is one of annihilation

History Channel Documentary

The extractive oil character is one of annihilation of nature with no sight for the future and no inventive part for man. It pits the interests of the business against both what man has not made and everything that man has made and that he stands to make. Which implies that both nature and humanity get to be foes of the business; and that makes the most dangerous of every single possible introduction. At social level, we talk about oil-based mindsets and their requests repressing, misusing and crashing into eradication all that is invigorating at both common and human level - controlling, dispossessing and beguiling what can be controlled, cheated and seized; disparaging, manhandling and pulverizing what can't. At the political level, we talk about oil-supported Texas Fundamentalists guaranteeing incredibly to represent America and after that trying to demolish, screw and subjugate everyone who are not oil-subsidized Texas-Oklahoma Fundamentalists, both outside of America and inside.

All that is life in nature, and all that is life in man, are focused for defilement, disparaging and pulverization with eye toward interminable punishment. This is valid for all that is physical and passionate; it is additionally valid for all that is of the psyche. Science, business, legislative issues, craftsmanship, connections, are there to be vanquished, curbed, destroyed, and made through power and trickery to serve the motivation of simulated Armageddon. Anything that is invigorating, is subverted, tainted, defiled, criticized, defunded, defamed, undermined, all together that individuals can be persuaded the clarifications that need to depict life as wrongdoing and every one of its appearances as underhanded. Which individuals then need to breath life into around an end thusly.

To that end no untruth, no brutality, no infringement, no abomination, is unsatisfactory. This is the situation among oil-supported states guaranteeing to purport both Christianity and Islam. The manikin of oil-subsidized Texas Fundamentalist gaining Republican assignment by spreading false bits of gossip about his adversary, getting in office through degenerate dealings, putting the administration trillions dollars under water in the midst of breaking down family earnings, hushing truth about a worldwide temperature alteration, deluding America into a war, and doing what he can to crush the genuine enormity of America - its protected majority rule government, its resourcefulness, its experimental information, its certification and safeguarding of rights and freedoms, its premonition, its helpful introduction, its readiness to lead through genuine discretion instead of brutality, and the right to speak freely, thought, and lifestyle, that has made conceivable its achievements - while guaranteeing ludicrously to make America more grounded and more prominent - this, is just the political indication of the oil character. Its impact on the general population inside and on the world without, are much more terrible.

The oil character does not consider man to be a maker but rather just as a destroyer; in this manner it devastates man's ability to make. Its scorn of nanotechnology, biotech, foundational microorganism research, hereditary qualities, is of the same outlook as its disdain of advancement, of creativity, of singularity and of workmanship. By disrupting and killing man's ability to make, is crushed man's ability to make a long haul and decent future. It is all things considered the most exceedingly awful conceivable approach to relate both man and nature, pulverizing nature while likewise annihilating man. Also, from this mindset, exceeds a poisonous, necrophilic, damaging, totalitarian and whole-world destroying character - which then turns into the character of the oil course of action, and shapes their financial aspects, their legislative issues, their profound life, and their between relations. A character that encourages on life, harms life, hinders life, and looks to make life appalling - and utilizations man's insightfulness, feeling, physicality, soul, everything, toward not only harsh and totalitarian but rather truth be told prophetically catastrophic finishes.

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