Sunday, May 22, 2016

Atlantis was an extraordinary area

Myths about Atlantis keep on being made, and I realize that in my lifetime, such as String Theory, confirmation of reality behind the myths will be found.

Two late projects on the BBC claim that the tale of Atlantis gets from a tremendous regular fiasco in the Aegean which tore separated the islands of Thera and Crete in 1620 BC. I have doubtlessly these destructive occasions happened, however trust that the first story of Atlantis happened far before, 12000 years or more some time recently, and in an unexpected way.

Since this purpose of time on Earth parallels what happened in Atlantis, a considerable lot of the general population who lived then are in incarnation now as a feature of their finishing and it is likely you are among them, with your recollections and conceivably karma from those awesome occasions. I too was there, numerous times,and this is the thing that I recall of the last days:

Atlantis was an extraordinary area lying amidst what is currently the Atlantic and it was extremely lovely. It was plenteous with wealth of natural life and society, additionally riches through exchanging. It was, moreover, the otherworldly focal point of the world: the antiquated wisdoms were referred to and rehearsed as the heart of the civilisation; incredible profound educators were respected and looked for after for their endowments; and clerics and priestesses of the most astounding bore did their administration in sanctuaries of phenomenal and high interdimensional frequencies, courses between the general population and the perfect working mysteriously to mend and change to accomplish paradise on Earth.

Every sanctuary had its own motivation and was intended to assistance to accomplish this through utilization of shading, for instance, shape and material. The High Temple, the Temple of Light, was a gateway to different planes and a passage point for creatures of the most elevated light. It was the spot where time did not exist and in view of the quality of the frequencies just individuals of the clearest reverberation could be there, and the individuals who were allowed to be there were available in their monadic being just - nothing of matter could be there. In that capacity, the sanctuary was made from living clear precious stone and at its inside was an incredible blue quartz gem, a transmitter with forces which even now I may not indicate.

At its otherworldly crest, Atlantis was a position of happiness - however times change and nothing continues as before perpetually on Earth. Atlantis was otherworldly sublimity, however, similar to each such age, the swing of the pendulum changed as an aftereffect of the decisions of Man.

discoveries 2016

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