Sunday, May 22, 2016

when the Atlanteans had all out amicability

To make a long story short, this outsider guided Dr. Phelon to one of the islands in the West Indies (amongst Cuba and South America) where they found a stone structure of development configuration standing out of the water. The Stranger by one means or another knows how to open the way to this building and inside they find in a wooden box containing an old papyrus scroll written in Ancient Atlantean. Dr. Phelon records the interpretation of this archive from the more peculiar who comprehend Atlantean and in the parchment it recounts a surprising tale about what Atlantis resemble from around 29,000 B.C. How did the Atlantean live and what did it intend to be an Atlantean is contained in the parchment including the higher otherworldly standards they took after which guided their lives.

As one understands this book, what is very wonderful is the author of the parchment examines a timeframe when the Atlanteans had all out amicability between their sciences, their legislative establishment and their otherworldly existence. That for another law to be passed, all the general population of the area needed to concur, not only a couple chose authorities who spoke to everybody.

Lastly that everything from the obvious should first begin in the undetectable. It shows up this antiquated report is putting forth to us in our universe of today an intense indication of where humankind is set out toward in our not so distant future. I don't have the foggiest idea, what do you think?

Anyway, I trust you delighted in this report - and that it has maybe offered to you some new bits of knowledge about the incredible Atlantis

Joshua Shapiro

a precious stone skull traveler

Joshua Shapiro and his accomplice Katrina Head are known as the Crystal Skull Explorers. Living in the Seattle zone subsequent to 2011, they have ventured to the far corners of the planet sharing key data about the precious stone skulls alongside their 16 skulls they call the gem youngsters and also examining other world riddles, (for example, Atlantis, UFOs, Crop Circles, Orbs, Prophecy, the Hollow Earth, etc..). For 2012 they plan to compose a few new ebooks including another one that shares interviews with different daze mediums on the planet. To take in more about them visit their site at:

Discoveries Channel Documentary

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