Friday, May 20, 2016

My Encounter with a UFO

My Encounter with a UFO

This title alone has some of you recoiling or feigning exacerbation. Some of you are considering, "Extraordinary, another weirdo who supposes he saw minimal green Martians". That is fine, some individuals would preferably look for the solace of obliviousness instead of looking for the freedom of truth. When I transfer my very own experience I don't anticipate that anybody will trust me. Why would it be advisable for them to? I had this experience, and I saw it with my own particular two eyes. Unless somebody is standing right next to me to witness the same occasion, I wouldn't anticipate that anybody will trust me completely. The reason is that nobody will trust an a truth more than the person who finds that truth. I encountered this, and nobody else did, therefor; it will just ever be 100% consistent with me. Some of you may grasp my background, however and, after its all said and done there will dependably be uncertainty. That is something worth being thankful for. It backpedals to what I said in regards to taking in data for thought as it were. Defining solid truths over second hand data can be a risky undertaking. The main safe solid truths are the ones we encounter ourselves. Everything else should just be brought with a grain of salt. I can likewise see completely why numerous experimental personalities may have an issue with my experience. They see the inconceivability of space as something excessively gigantic, making it impossible to overcome. It seems that way, space is psyche boggling enormous. That does not imply that some other race of creatures have not made sense of something that we are not propelled enough to acknowledge for ourselves. To me that appears to be quite pompous. We have just been Industrialized for a couple of hundred years. That is a fart on the infinite size of things. Who's to say that another race of creatures some1000 years past our innovation has not made sense of an approach to hurdle around the stars? I know, Einstein, and Relativity, and blah. Einstein was a splendid man and he made a few disclosures alongside some intriguing perceptions. I giggle when I attempt and make sense of why we can hardly imagine how a propelled species can't go to earth, however we are glad to trust that time is a thing that is woven together with space to give us a "Space Time" fabric. Am I the one and only that acknowledges exactly how bleeping impeded that sounds? Time is an idea, not yarn. The same goes for space! We have found a few truths about our universe, however we are a long way from finding all of them. It requires investment, however pretty much as our insight into our close planetary system developed, so too will our insight into the master plan. A hefty portion of the colossal experimental personalities of their day had faith in things that we know now not to be valid. On the off chance that you think back over yonder recognized professions, you will discover numerous splendid commitments that maintain this day. What I am stating is, that it doesn't make a difference who you will be; you will not be right the same number of times as you will be right in your lifetime. Einstein hit the photoelectric impact right on the head, while some of his different ideas are fluffy, best case scenario. I will never express the math isn't right, I suck at math. I will just say that the conclusions drawn from that math might be wrong.

History Channel Documentary

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