Friday, May 20, 2016

Roswell and the Case of Mistaken Identity

Roswell and the Government Accounting Office

# Now here's an exceptionally intriguing archive which you can discover on the WWW however it's accessible in printed copy as well (which I have). The report is titled: "Government Records: Results of a Search for Records Concerning the 1947 Crash Near Roswell, New Mexico" (July 1995). The "inquiry" was led by and the report issued by the U.S. Government Accounting Office (GAO) at the solicitation of the Honorable Steven H. Schiff, House of Representatives; United States Congress. The GAO is the free investigative actuality discovering branch of the American Congress. Three intriguing things here: Firstly, pertinent records from the Roswell Army Air Field for the applicable period (July 1947) have been crushed - illicitly incidentally. There's no record of who obliterated them or under what power they were devastated. Why am I not shocked! Besides, some archives from different offices were strangely inaccessible or missing without clarification. Why am I not amazed! Thirdly, a FBI report issued one day after the Roswell occasion noticed that the material gathered was being sent to Wright Field (now Wright-Patterson AFB) for examination (why investigation in the event that it was only a smashed climate inflatable is past me), yet the GAO found no related records at the less than desirable end. Why am I not shocked! All exceptionally strange, yet this is legitimate U.S. Government archive; autonomous documentation made at the solicitation of a Member of the U.S. Congress, the aforementioned Steven H. Schiff!

Roswell and the Case of Mistaken Identity

For the greater part of the many book, several articles and a large number of words expounded on Roswell, the whole episode (which can't be questioned) and its clarification (which doubters have debated), at last comes down to and rotates around one and one and only point. That point is, is it even REMOTELY POSSIBLE that the farm foreman who found the Roswell flotsam and jetsam (and who affirmed that he had on a few past events discovered inflatable stays on the sprawling property and in this manner was acquainted with inflatable materials) and who cautioned the police (this was something bizarre) who thus alarmed the military, coupled also with a gathering of senior military officers, including the base insight officer, could MISTAKE inflatable materials - climate or Project Mogul - for a "flying circle"? Those on the spot called it a "flying circle" (a substitute expression for "flying saucer"). Those several miles away, yet of unrivaled rank, requested the phrasing "inflatable" garbage or pieces be substituted, in this manner an "inflatable", climate at first however later changed to a Project Mogul inflatable train, turned into the official clarification.

History Channel Documentary

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