Friday, May 20, 2016

Roswell and the FBI

Roswell and the FBI

Here's some verification about the Roswell pudding. A short time prior I dropped somewhat of a stunner when I noticed that in the past arranged, now declassified FBI archives demonstrate that previous FBI Director, the late J. Edgar Hoover, while really in his ability as Director, recognized that the (then) Army Air Forces (AAF) were in control of smashed circles - plates being the option portrayal to saucers, words that were in vogue before the term UFO was created. These archives (plural) were issued only a couple days after the Roswell occurrence (July 1947). Oh dear, not one peep was heard out of Roswell cynics. Maybe that disclosure wound up in their as well hard-wicker container. Along these lines, how would they clarify this announcement by Mr. Hoover? Actually how would they clarify the whole Roswell occurrence in light of the way that the official line of unclassified advertising clarifications (plural) - there have been numerous and that in itself is more than only a tiny bit suspect - have all ended up being silly?

The military unmistakably aren't opening up about Roswell, particularly the USAF, however a declassified FBI office notice dated 22 March 1950 and tended to Hoover takes note of that there were three "flying saucers' recouped in New Mexico, and, as noted over, a FBI telex message from Dallas, Texas to Hoover dated 8 July 1947 affirms that the Roswell flotsam and jetsam was sent to Wright Field "by uncommon plane for examination".

Roswell and Terrestrial Flying Disks

In 1947 we (Royal We) had no "circles". All later on down the track tries different things with saucer-molded flying machine fizzled - completely neglected to be practical. There are no, and never have been any physical "plates" that could work fit as a fiddle, way or structure to that reported by eyewitnesses of what we now call UFOs. Along these lines, the primary concern, in July 1947, if the military say they came into ownership of a smashed "circle", it was not, proved unable, have been physical. In the event that these smashed "plates" were not physical, what's the option?

History Channel Documentary

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