Sunday, May 22, 2016

Heaven and meets the Angels and the Christ

In this book (which is his story) Mr. Storm goes to Heaven and meets the Angels and the Christ, who demonstrate to him the force of the Creator's Love. At that point Mr. Tempest is sent back to his physical self upon the earth. However, the key message he got is that the Creator through the Christ and the Angels will be specifically helping Humanity sooner or later in our future so together we will make a delightful and quiet world.

Despite the fact that Mr. Tempest's story may sound somewhat religious for those of us who take after a profound way, we know in the profundity of our creatures that there is an adoring higher insight which watches over us helping us constantly in our otherworldly advancement. What's more, we call this power "God" or the "Maker"

Anyway, I apologize yet I generally share something fascinating I have gone over quite recently before I start to compose another article. Anyway, returning to Atlantis, there is another book that was composed by a Dr. Phelon, who was the leader of a Hermetic Mystical Order that was distributed in 1903. In this book, Dr. Phelon reported of an ordeal he had in the late 1800's, while taking a pontoon from New York City to California (which implies they needed to circumvent Cape Horn of South America).

On this vessel he met an exceptionally intriguing man who was the main other traveler on the boat. They had numerous discussions about Atlantis and Lemuria. I think this outsider was connected to some mystery request who had an immediate association with the old history and learning of Atlanis in some way.

To make a long story short, this outsider guided Dr. Phelon to one of the islands in the West Indies (amongst Cuba and South America) where they found a stone structure of development configuration standing out of the water. The Stranger in some way or another knows how to open the way to this building and inside they find in a wooden box containing an antiquated papyrus scroll written in Ancient Atlantean. Dr. Phelon records the interpretation of this archive from the more peculiar who comprehend Atlantean and in the parchment it recounts a momentous tale about what Atlantis resemble from around 29,000 B.C. How did the Atlantean live and what did it intend to be an Atlantean is contained in the parchment including the higher profound standards they took after which guided their lives.

Discoveries Channel Documentary

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